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Raytheon G30S ice blue three-mode game handle on shelves: Hall trigger, 500Hz rate of return, pre-price 99 yuan

2024-10-09 Update From: SLTechnology News&Howtos shulou NAV: SLTechnology News&Howtos > IT Information >


Shulou( Report--

Thanks to netizens who are very homesick and afraid of the delivery of clues! news on December 4, Raytheon G30S ice blue on the shelves pre-sale, priced at 10 yuan, the pre-price of 99 yuan, officially launched on December 25, the whole platform supports 180 days only replacement without repair. attached parameters:

Raytheon G30S standard double Hall trigger + Jinfu rocker, using cross key structure, support Bluetooth, 2.4G, cable three-mode connection (standard receiver), support Android, Apple, computer, Switch and other devices connection.

The Raytheon G30S supports wired 500Hz rate of return, receiver 250Hz, Bluetooth 130Hz, 0 dead zone and track switching; the shoulder key uses mechanical keys and the motor is a Xbox type of asymmetric pendulum motor. Raytheon (ThundeRobot) G30S Ice Blue 99 yuan direct link

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