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Apple AirTags and new iPad Pro will be launched in March

2024-05-16 Update From: SLTechnology News&Howtos shulou NAV: SLTechnology News&Howtos > Mobile Phone >


Shulou( Report--

It seems that Apple has had a very busy year in hardware, and some new information provided by one of the industry's most famous salespeople gives us some signs of what will happen in the coming months. Jon prosser, an experienced whistleblower, predicted on Twitter that the long-awaited Apple AirTags would finally dawn-but there is clearly no further delay, which we think could be in the product in November.

These small tracking tags will work like Tile products on the market and Samsung's recently released Galaxy SmartTag. In essence, they will help you find lost gadgets and other things.

Prosser also hinted that some products will launch Apple's AirTags in March, which may not prove that they have launched their own products. In March last year, Apple announced that it would not hold an event, but instead launched a new iPad Pro and a new MacBook Air.

Prosser's follow-up tweets show that, according to what he has heard, iPad Pro's update is scheduled for March again-there have been a lot of rumors about what iPad Pro 2021 might bring, and the March release has been discussed.

The final message of the tweet is that Touch ID will return to its flagship iPhone this year. Similarly, it has been the subject of a lot of speculation in recent months, with many sources predicting that iPhone 13 will embed fingerprint sensors in its display.

The new iPhone is scheduled to make its debut as usual in September, but until then, if Prosser's information in the store is correct, Apple should have a lot of gadgets to share-including the Apple AirTags and the updated iPad Pro tablet.

We are also patiently waiting for the arrival of Apple Glasses, which is said to focus on augmented reality applications that combine the physical and digital worlds. However, smart specifications are unlikely to be available before 2022.

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