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Apple iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max are real users.

2024-06-17 Update From: SLTechnology News&Howtos shulou NAV: SLTechnology News&Howtos > IT Information >


Shulou( Report-- Sept. 13, foreign technology media The Verge launched the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max phones in the experience area after Apple's "curiosity" launch. Note: the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max are made of sturdy and lightweight aviation-grade titanium and are the lightest Pro models in Apple's history. The new design also uses a curved edge and adds a customizable operation button for users to customize their own iPhone experience.

Officials say the camera upgrade brings the ultimate quality equivalent to seven Pro-level lenses, including a more advanced 4800-megapixel camera that supports the new ultra-high default resolution of 2400 megapixels; a new generation of portrait features that bring focus and depth-of-field control; improvements to night mode and smart HDR; and a new 5x focal camera dedicated to iPhone 15 Pro Max.

IPhone 15 Pro:128G 7999 yuan

256g 8999 yuan

512g 10999 yuan

12999 yuan for 1TB

IPhone 15 Pro Max:256G 9999 yuan

512g 11999 yuan

13999 yuan for 1TB

The machine is equipped with an A17 Pro processor, and the new USB-C port is supported by USB 3 speed, which can increase the transmission speed by as much as 20 times compared with USB 2. IPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max will be available in four colors, including black titanium, white titanium, blue titanium and primary titanium. Pre-orders will begin on Friday, September 15, and will go on sale on Friday, September 22.

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