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What memory is lpddr3 (lpddr3)

2024-05-19 Update From: SLTechnology News&Howtos shulou NAV: SLTechnology News&Howtos > Mobile Phone >


Shulou( Report--

Hello everyone, Lin Fei to answer the above questions, lpddr3 is what memory, lpddr3 many people do not know, now let's take a look at it!

Mobile phone memory (RAM), similar to computer memory, is also known as LPDDR. At present, there are mainly LPDDR3 and LPDDR4. So what's the difference between LPDDR3 RAM and LPDDR4 RAM? I'd like to introduce you here.

The difference is mainly shown in three aspects: clock frequency, broadband and working voltage, as follows.

1. Different frequency

LPDDR4 has a memory frequency of 1600Mhz, while LPDDR3 has a memory frequency of 800Mhz. Obviously, LPDDR4 is twice as frequent as the former, and the higher the frequency, the faster the memory speed.

two。 Different bandwidth

The bandwidth of LPDDR4 is 12.8G/s, while that of LPDDR3 is 25.6 Gbps. The bandwidth of LPDDR4 is also twice that of LPDDR3.

3. Different working voltage

The operating voltage of the LPDDR4 is 1.1V, while that of the previous generation LPDDR3 is 1.2V. From the operating voltage, the LPDDR4 is lower, that is to say, it consumes less power.

Obviously, as an alternative version of LPDDR3, LPDDR4 has been upgraded in terms of frequency, bandwidth, low voltage, etc., resulting in a 50% increase in performance and a 30-40% reduction in power consumption. For users, it is only necessary to know that the memory speed of LPDDR4 is faster than that of LPDDR3, which is more beneficial to improve the battery life of the phone / tablet.

At the end of this article, I hope it will be helpful to you.

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